Leverage our clearing and custody relationships and services
GlobalVest allows you to utilize your existing clearing relationship or open an account directly with us using our clearing relationship.
We offer our clients premier prime brokerage, portfolio margin and clearing arrangements through our partnerships and direct clearing relationship with Wedbush Securities and BNY Mellon - two among the most respected names in the financial industry including.
Our strong partnership with Wedbush and BNY translates to highly competitive rates for your trading group, and gives you access to their superior backoffice technology solution to help you efficiently manage your business.
Wedbush Securities
Founded in 1955. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
- $12 billion in custodial assets
- Over $1.6 billion in balance sheet assets
- Over 650 employees
BNY Mellon
Established in 2007 from the merger of Mellon Financial Corporation and The Bank of New York Company, Inc.; Headquartered in New York.
- One of the world's largest clearing agents of US government securities, an active member of DTC, and clears in 100 markets globally
- $27.1 trillion in assets under custody or administration
- Administers over $1.8 trillion in tri-party balances every single day (as of March 31, 2012)
- Provide safekeeping for the prime brokers (PBs) clients' encumbered as well as unencumbered assets while the PBs maintain direct relationships with their clients
Together with Wedbush Securities and BNY Mellon, GlobalVest has already established Prime Broker relationships with many of today's leading firms that are built to clear trading groups business, such as ABN Amro, Apex Clearing Corporation, Electronic Transaction Clearing, Inc (ETC) and Sungard. Additionally, GlobalVest will establish immediate relationships for any added requests.
Another layer of saftey beyond SIPC protection
In addition to SIPC protection ($500,000 in securities, $250,000 cash), Wedbush Securities provides coverage in excess of SIPC from Lloyd’s of London in conjunction with other insurers. The excess of SIPC coverage provides the following protection for assets held in custody by Wedbush Securities and BNY Mellon:
The excess of SIPC coverage does not protect against loss due to market fluctuation.